Why vision lift thor hammer?

The strongest, most logical theory why Vision can lift it with relative easy is due to the fact he is created with an Infinity Stone – the one found within the gem of Loki’s scepter. As we know, any of the six Infinity Stones are extremely powerful, and arguably more powerful than the enchantment that Odin, Thor’s father, put on the hammer.

One question we ran across in our research was “Can vision lift thor’s hammer?”.

One answer is that While Vision has only been able to lift Thor’s hammer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it bears mentioning because it instantly established him as a noble hero and worthy — in more ways than one — Avenger.

Moreover, why can’t vision lift the hammer of Thor?

Well, these are the words inscribed on the hammer of the Mighty Thor and when Vision lifted it, he didn’t get any powers of Thor, which clearly implies that Vision is not worthy. He could lift it because its a non living object so it doesn’t count as Vision can never use Thor’s hammer as a weapon in the way Thor does.

Yet Vision’s actions throughout his time in the MCU have shown he’s been worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer all along, not just in that moment. Multiple times has he shown a willingness to sacrifice himself.

Vision, for whatever reason, is considered as worthy as Thor to wield the hammer. Thor tends to believe this is true, which is why he let Vision keep the Infinity Stone.

Who can lift THOR’s Hammer in MCU?

Loki is able to cautiously lift the hammer before it is whisked away from him at Thor’s command. Vision While Vision has only been able to lift Thor’s hammer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it bears mentioning because it instantly established him as a noble hero and worthy — in more ways than one — Avenger.

Another question we ran across in our research was “Can any of the Avengers lift Thor’s hammer?”.

In some scenes in Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron man, War Machine, and Captain America try to lift Thor’s hammer but they end up failing. At some point Vision lifts it easily.

What are the powers of THOR’s Hammer?

In the past when an individual who lifts the hammer does so, if they are worthy, they are immediately imbued with the power of Thor which includes superhuman strength, vitality, increased durability and stamina. This is including whatever capabilities they already had.

How did the vision lift Mjolnir?

As for the first theory, that The Vision isn’t a person and can therefore lift Mjolnir in the same way as any elevator or heli-carrier or Quin-Jet would, it should be pointed out that The Vision didn’t just lift the hammer – he threw it, caught it, flipped it, hit Ultron with it, etc. He, in effect, “wielded it”.