Find the host key on your Webex site From your Cisco Webex site, select Meetings and then click the title of the meeting that you’re hosting. You can see the host key in the Meeting Information section of the meeting details.
Where to find host key in webex?
How to Obtain the Host Key – Original Host During the Webex Session, navigate to the information icon in the top left corner of the meeting window 2. From your calendar invite, navigate to Host Information and the host key will display.
From your calendar invite, navigate to Host Information and the host key will display From your calendar invite, navigate to the bottom of the meeting information and select the “Go Here” link 2. After clicking the link, a web page to the uwmadison., and webex. Com site will launch and bring up the meeting information.
What happens when I make someone else the host of WebEx?
When you make someone else the host of a Webex scheduled meeting or Personal Room meeting in Webex App, you’re letting them: If you want to let someone else start a meeting without you, you can let someone else be an alternate host.
Host a meeting. As host of a Web. Ex meeting, your responsibilities include overall management of the meeting. The Meeting window provides a forum for you to manage all aspects of the meetings and enable participants to chat, send video, share information and interact with each other using documents, presentations, whiteboards,.
When we were researching we ran into the question “Can a non-UConn WebEx user host a WebEx Meeting?”.
One source stated uConn Webex users and non-UConn Webex users can become the Host and begin a Meeting without being designated as a Cohost (Alternate Host) Use this method to hand off the Host role when your anticipated Host does not have a UConn email address.
Drag the Web. Ex ball from the last presenter to the next presenter. If you are viewing participant thumbnails, mouse over a thumbnail and select Make Presenter.