Where is webex recorded video?

Webex stores all your recorded meetings either locally on your computer or on your Webex site. You can find your recordings and share or download them from your Webex site. If you were invited to a meeting as an attendee or cohost, reach out to the host of your meeting to get the recording .

Where do webex recordings go?

Webex generally saves your recordings to the Documents folder in My Computer. But when you choose to record locally, Webex also asks you to choose the folder where you want to store it each time. You can choose any folder on your computer. So if you do decide to change the location from the default folder, you’ll find your recording in that folder instead.

These recording files are saved in the Webex Recording Format (WRF), a proprietary Webex format. You can’t edit NBR (Network-Based Recording) files; however, hosts can truncate the start and end times of the recording and can also control which panels are displayed.

Select the Web. Ex Player and Network Recording Player for Advance Recording Format (.arf) files. This will enable you to play Web. Ex recordings that you saved to your Web. Ex temporary storage area. It is available for both PCs and Macs. Page will display. From the list of recorders and players,.

To pause or stop recording, use the buttons in the Recorder panel that will appear as one of the panel tabs on the bottom right of your screen. You can also begin recording while sharing your desktop by mousing over the Webex Control Palette and then clicking the Recorder button.

After you open a recording in the Webex Recording Editor, click and drag in the video or audio track to select the approximate segment that you want to define.

How do I connect my computer to WebEx?

For the Webex App, go to the Options drop-down and select the option for your computer. Don’t see the computer option? The option may be disabled. Contact your Webex site administrator .

Can I get a transcript of a WebEx Meeting?

Recording transcripts are currently not available in the Webex free plan. If you start a meeting by phone, you can’t record it. If you’re a cohost, you can’t start recording a meeting if the host is in the meeting.

For Windows: Recordings started from within a meeting are accessible from the Documents folder in My Computer. For Mac: Recordings started from within a meeting are accessible from the Home folder using Finder.

Why do I have temporary storage on my WebEx server?

 Those with Host accounts in Web. Ex have a limited amount of temporary storage on Cisco’s Web. Ex servers to allow users the opportunity to record and disseminate limited amounts of conference audio and visual data.