The Cisco Web. Ex Meeting Center application on the i. Pad, which is available for free to download from the App. Store or i. Tunes, allows users to simply click to start/join and actively collaborate in Cisco Web, and ex meetings.
You could be thinking “How do I get WebEx on my iPad?”
Tap the App Store icon on your i. Pad and simply use the keywords “webex for ipad” to search for the app. Alternatively you can download the Web. E x Meeting Center application from i, and tunes. Once you have installed the Web. Ex app, the “Web. Ex” icon appears on your i. Pad’s Home screen.
Another thing we wondered was; what can you do with Cisco WebEx on the iPad?
With the Cisco Web. Ex Meeting Center application on the i. Pad, users can view shared content and up to four High Quality (HQ) videos of participants in a video carousel simultaneously. Users can view the meeting participant list, see the active speaker, and chat with meeting participants.
Start a Web. Ex meeting on your i, and pad. Tap on the Participant List icon to see the participants attending your meeting. As the host of the meeting, you have the Web. Ex Ball initially.
What is Cisco WebEx Meeting Center on the iPad?
Introducing Cisco Web. Ex Meeting Center on the i. Pad The Cisco Web. Ex Meeting Center application on the i. Pad, which is available for free to download from the App. Store or i. Tunes, allows users to simply click to start/join and actively collaborate in Cisco Web, and ex meetings.
How do I schedule a WebEx Meeting on my iPad?
To schedule a Web. Ex meeting on your i. Pad, tap on the ”+” icon on the Web. Ex My Meetings screen. Complete the fields such as the meeting start time, duration, invitees, and password. Note, tap on ”Done” after you’ve added your invitees.
Don’t worry, we got you covered. In this article, we’ll guide you through the necessary steps in order to set up and use Webex meetings for videoconferencing on both the i. Phone and i, and pad.
Select the speakerphone icon on your i, and pad. You can choose to mute or unmute the call or disconnect from the call.
You could be thinking “Can I join Cisco WebEx meetings without an account?”
Although you can join meetings without an account, you cannot start or schedule meetings without one. Additionally, you’ll need to install the Cisco Webex Meetings app from the Apple App Store. Now, simply follow the steps below.
Where to find webex host pin?
Log into Web. Ex and select My Web. Ex from the menu on the top
Choose the Preferences link located on the left side of the screen
Select the My Personal Room tab. Your PIN will be listed in the Host PIN box.
This video was produced by the Cisco Web. Ex team in 2019. Since then, the push-pin icon has changed to a lock ; however, the functionality and location of the icons have stayed, for the most part, the same., and need help?
How do I find the host key for a WebEx Meeting?
You can see the host key in the Meeting Information section of the meeting details. If you copy the meeting tables by clicking the Copy icon, the Host key will not be copied. From your Microsoft Outlook calendar, open the meeting that you scheduled using the Webex Scheduler.
How do I lock/unlock a WebEx presentation?
In your Web. Ex meeting, click the Lock/Unlock video focus button near the top of the presenter’s window. This video was produced by the Cisco Web. Ex team in 2019. Since then, the push-pin icon has changed to a lock; however, the functionality and location of the icons have stayed, for the most part, the same.