There is no option to view whichcomputers you have authorized but if you log into your i. Tunes store account, you will be able to see how manycomputers are authorized. Log into your account via i. Tunes and you will see an entry for authorized machines. There you will see the number of computers that are authorized for that account.
How do I know if my computer is authorized on iTunes?
Go to i. Tunes on a computer and select your Account (on the right hand side of the window towards the top once you are signed in). Select Manage Devices under i. Tunes in the Cloud. All computers in this list count against the 5 total computer authorizations each Apple ID can have. The question asks about computer Authorization.
If you’ve forgotten which computers you have authorized in the past, there is not a way to list all authorized computers. Apple only tells you the number that are authorized. However, once a year you can Deauthorize All computers from within your i. Tunes Store account settings.
What is authorized and deauthorized in iTunes?
Authorizing a computer allows you to play media purchased from the i. Tunes Store with a specific Apple ID. In order to use apps, audiobooks, books, DRM-protected music, and movies on a computer it must be Authorized. Each Apple ID can authorize a maximum of 5 computers. You can de authorize each computer individually.
How many computers can be authorized with iTunes?
There is no direct record of which machines are authorized. It is up to you to keep track. Up to 5 computers can be simultaneously authorized for each Apple ID. i. Pods & i. OS devices are limited to DRM protected content from up to 5 different accounts. There is no limit to the number of devices that you can load up with content using i, and tunes.
You should be thinking “How many computers can I authorised with my Apple ID?”
On a PC, open i. Tunes for Windows. Sign in with your Apple ID. In the menu bar on your Mac or PC, choose Account > View My Account. Sign in with your Apple ID. On the Account Information page, scroll to the Apple ID Summary section. You’ll see the number of computers that you’ve authorised with your Apple ID.
So you can associate one computer and 9 other devices, or 5 computers and 5 other devices, but not 9 computers and 1 other device. You’re limited to 5 computers. There is a list of associated devices which can be found in the Account section if i, and tunes store.
How do I see what computers are authorized for Apple TV?
To see what computers are authorized you have to go to directly to the apple website (appleid. apple. com) and sign into your account. This is different from going to your account via the i. Tunes app itself. On your account on the apple website, you will see all computers including Apple TV.