, [solution] i Tunes Error 54
If you see error -54 when you sync with your computer Consolidate the media files in your computer. The media files in the Music app or i. Tunes library might be stored in several locations. Check for issues with third-party security software. Sync a small amount of content. Sync only a small amount of content at a time. Delete and re-download content. If the issue happens with content from the i. Tunes Store, delete and then re-download the content. Delete and re-import content. If the content isn’t from the i. Tunes Store, delete and then re-import it from the original source. Remove PDF files from the sync process. This issue might happen when you try to transfer i. Tunes purchases from your i. OS or i, pad OS device to your computer.
After trying solutions mentioned, if your i. Phone still cannot be synced due to unknown error occurred (-54), you can try some i. Tunes alternative, like Any. Trans for i, and os. It allows you to sync data between i. Phone and i. Tunes without effort.
How to fix iTunes sync not working issue?
If you find the sync issue then you need to reauthorize your computer on this i, and tunes environment. When you authorize your system from i. Tunes then you are permitting to download the apps, music, audiobooks into your system without any issues.
If some of your music in your i. Tunes library is not syncing with your i. Phone or other devices, before changing your settings or uninstalling and reinstalling i. Tunes, you can check one thing in your music library which can tell you why i. Tunes may not be synching all your songs to your device (s).
, i Tunes won’t let you sync music if i. Tunes Match is turned on. So, first of all, make sure that you don’t have i. Tunes Match enabled in Settings > Music. Then try to sync the music in the normal way again. On your i. Phone, go to Settings > Music > Turn off i. Cloud Music Library.
Why can’t I Sync my iPhone or iPad with iTunes?
When you try to sync your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch with i. Tunes, you might see an alert message that says: “The i. Phone [device name] cannot be synced. An unknown error occurred (-54).”. This can happen if a file on your computer or i. OS device is locked. Click OK to continue the sync.
It is advisable to make use of a reliable USB cable while connecting the gadgets with your PC. In many cases, the sync issues occur because of improper USB cable. Check the USB cables before establishing a connection with the i, and phone., the i Tunes platform authorizes the PC to access its content any time.
Why is my iPhone device name not syncing?
“The i. Phone [ device name] cannot be synced. An unknown error occurred (-54).” This can happen if a file on your computer or i. OS or i, pad OS device is locked. Click OK to continue the sync. If your content doesn’t sync, here’s what to do: Restart your computer and your i. OS or i, pad, and os device.
Why does it say remove and sync on my iPhone?
If you get the “Remove and Sync” prompt, this means that you didn’t yet sync the i. Phone with the i. Tunes library on this PC., i Tunes will therefore, remove any songs or playlists from your i. Phone that are not already in the library on the PC.