Why won’t itunes play through headphones?

Another potential reason that might cause the audio playback to fail on i. Tunes is if the headphones are not set as the default device inside the Sound settings menu. Several affected users have reported that the audio issue was resolved after they set their headphones as the Default Playback device.

The later can sometimes work properly when the former doesn’t. Your initial post didn’t make it clear that i. Tunes can play audio, just not to your headphones. Are these Bluetooth headphones we are discussing?

Why itunes won’t work?

The following may be the reasons why i. Tunes is not opening on your Windows 10 computer :

Incomplete installation of i. Tunes or its related software components., i Tunes software may be malfunctioning due to error or bug in i. Tunes account or i, and tunes library. Windows Firewall may be blocking i. Tunes from opening. Windows 10 drivers may not be up to date. Windows 10 net work settings may not be right.

Why is iTunes not working on Windows 10?

UPDATE ITUNES Windows 10 receives frequent automatic updates on a regular basis and this may cause enough changes so as to prevent i. Tunes from running properly. However, updating it to the latest version of i. Tunes may fix such issues. Let’s get the application updated ASAP.

Why can’t I connect to the iTunes Store?

Sometimes, the problem happens due to a simple poor internet connection or faulty VPN route to i, and tunes store. To fix it, make sure you don’t have any VPN activated in your device while connecting to i. Tunes Store, also try to check if your internet connection is working properly and not taking too much time to load common websites.

Why is my Apple ID not working on iTunes Store?

Possible Causes and Fixes for Apple ID not Working on the i. Tunes Store 1.

Why is iTunes audio coming out of my speakers when plugging in?

If you notice in your Windows installation that i. Tunes audio is coming out of the speakers for i. Tunes even when you plug in headphones, try this tweak, which should fix the behavior to be the normal expected behavior (no headphones, play through speaker; headphones, play through headphones)., in i Tunes, go to Preferences. Click on the Playback tab.

Internet security software may cause i. Tunes to quit unexpectedly. Try disabling the Internet security software temporarily or exempting i. Tunes from any active scanning done by the software. If this resolves the issue, check with the maker of the software for an update to the software or its virus definitions.