Why won’t microsoft forms let me submit?

To address your concerns, one reason why you cant submit your response in microsoft forms is that you missed to answer a required question (s). Once a question is required (the one with red asterisk) the respondents are not allowed to submit unless the required questions were answered. I hope this will help you to resolve your concerns.

Re: Failed to upload your file MS Forms Cause for this is because you’ve deleted the destination folder where you save the originally attachments . Also don’t delete the folder in a upper layer.

Moreover, why is the submit button greyed out in forms?

If in case there are no required fields or these were answered and the submit button is greyed out, try refreshing the browser, clear the cache, resend the link of the form from the source. You may try also the suggestion of Neo Wu in this thread.

Why is my form not filling out?

You are using the wrong link to the form. There are multiple links to access a form depending on what you are trying to do. You are using the Duplicate link which is designed to quickly create a form based on an existing form.

Do microsoft forms time out?

Assume that a Microsoft Info. Path 2010 or Microsoft Info. Path 2013 form has a data connection to a Microsoft Share. Point Server 2010 or a Microsoft Share. Point Server 2013 list. When you try to open an existing or new form, the page will time out or takes more than a few minutes to open.

Microsoft 365 service Session timeout Microsoft 365 admin center You are asked to provide credentials for the admin center every 8 hours., share Point Online 5 days of inactivity as long as the users chooses Keep me signed in.

What can I do with Microsoft forms?

With Microsoft Forms, you can send your form or quiz to students, parents, and colleagues and collect their responses in a few different ways, depending upon your needs.

This begs the query “What is Microsoft forms?”

Microsoft Forms is a simple, lightweight app that lets you easily create surveys, quizzes, and polls. In education, it can be used to create quizzes, collect feedback from teachers and parents, or plan class and staff activities.

You can learn more by going to Microsoft Forms help & learning and then selecting Get started. From there, you can find info about how to share and collaborate, format, integrate Microsoft Forms with other Microsoft 365 products, and get more details about administrator tasks .

Who can view and respond to my form?

If your form, however, is set to Only people in my organization can respond or Specific people in my organization can respond, only individuals and groups you define – whether everyone in your organization or just specific individuals and groups – can view and respond to your form (regardless if the email has been forwarded to them).

Because it is a Teams form (technically a group form) all the member of the Office 365 group or Microsoft Team can access the responses and will see the tab added to the Channel. In the example below, a message has been posted into the channel letting team members know about the new form, and this along with the tab (both highlighted) can be selected by any team member to access the form:.

On a test run with colleagues the responses are returned anonymous. Before i send to Microsoft forms and anonymous responses Please can anyone help? I have created a quiz in microsoft forms that i would like to send to a group of students.

View response summary information for your form In Microsoft Forms, open the form for which you want to review the results, and then select the Responses tab. Across the top, you’ll see summary information data about your form, such as number of responses and average time it took for respondents to complete your form.