, your git Hub username should be professional, much like your professional email it should be some variation of your name. You should avoid twitter handles, gamertags, or anything that is not a variation of your name., and a. Lovelace is a great Git. Hub profile name for Ada Lovelace!
This of course begs the query “Should my github name be professional?”
This is what I discovered. it’s marginally more professional to use your real name on public-facing research work. It’s much easier to administer. I run a Github Group for people collaborating on a particular project, and it’s vastly easier to figure out who should have what permissions, be on which team, etc. if it’s faintly real-name associated.
Also, how important is it to have a professional GitHub username?
I feel like in early stages of your career in software engineering, you need people and recruiters to know you are serious about your career and the work so much so that having a professional Git. Hub username is important.
I would assume that one would want to use their real name in order to be professional and easily found. I am aspiring to be a software engineer and know that github is a good way to show what code one is capable of writing, so I want to pick a good name 🙂 Cheers! Your real name or your Twitter handle are both good choices for a Git, and hub handle.
So, should I use a pseudonym on my GitHub account?
, on git Hub, if you use a pseudonym, you can still always link to that account on your CV, and it will be seen as completely normal. At least unless the pseudonym is something offensive in itself. If you use your real name, you obviously have to be aware that it’s very ease to tie to you.
Should I use my GitHub account name or email address?
The first implies that one should use their proper name, the second is unclear. However, the Git. Hub page also has the following to say: We use the email address to associate your commits with your Git, and hub account.
This of course begs the inquiry “Can I use my email as a user name on GitHub?”
One common answer is, You can use your proper name, username or whatever identifier you’d like for user., and name. It will be logged in each commit along with your email address, commit message and various other details. And you’re exactly right about how Git. Hub uses the email address . Good luck with git! You’re on the right track with Pro Git. Show activity on this post.
How do I Change my GitHub username?
In the top right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. In the left sidebar, click Account settings. In the “Change username” section, click Change username. You should also read about side effects of changing your Git, and hub username.
, and author. Name needs no firstname. Lastname, you could use a real name here: Firstname Lastname is fine., and author. Email will be an e-mail address. If you have a corporate address, use that.