, you Tube does not show the name of those people who dislike the videos. This method is applicable only if you use a computer. This method doesn’t work on mobile phones. A drop-down menu will appear. A page will appear, this is your dashboard. It has all the information about your channel and video.
Unfortunately, you can not find who disliked your video on You. Tube by now. Likes and dis likes both are anonymous, which means creators can only know the number of likes and dislikes. Viewers and creators will have an indicator to diagnose if the video is popular or not.
How can I access the names of people who dislike YouTube videos?
You can’t access the names of the people ., you Tube does not show the name of those people who dislike the videos. This method is applicable only if you use a computer. This method doesn’t work on mobile phones.
Most of You. Tubers constantly say about their protective immunity to haters and indifference to dislikes and negative comments below their videos. However, the analytics suggests otherwise.
In general, You. Tubers can see quite a lot of information about their viewers . They can see their age, gender, location, language, what time they’re most active on You. Tube, what devices they watch videos on, what other channels they watch, what other videos they watch, etc.
Is it possible to see who liked my video on YouTube?
Nobody knows whether You. Tube did this to protect the mental health of its users or for other reasons. However, it does not allow the author of the content to see exactly, I mean to know the nickname of the person who dis liked the video. At the same time, it is also impossible to see who liked your video as these two buttons are anonymous.
Click on Analytics in the left panel. Here you will be able to see several tabs that refer to different types of statistics such as Overview, Reach, Engagement, Audience. Find a line with the name Like / dislike where you can see all the information regarding one special video below the chart.
So, how to find out who someone Liked you on YouTube?
The answer is that for those who have just become gloomy, there is a consolation prize. In the Analytics section of You. Tube, you can see some metrics such as demographics, location, and data for interactions that includes comments, shares, likes, and dislikes as well. You are still not able to find out specific names but this information is better than nothing.
Why do people like or dislike videos on YouTube?
Liked videos lead to the highest subscriptions of the channel. This increases the ranking of your content and your video becomes trending. At the same time, some people dislike the videos as well. Like and dislike is a viewer’s choice.
One of the next things we wondered was; how do YouTube videos become trending?
The viewers like the videos and share them with whom You. Tube videos like increases. Liked videos lead to the highest subscriptions of the channel. This increases the ranking of your content and your video becomes trending. At the same time, some people dislike the videos as well. Like and dislike is a viewer’s choice.