There can be a range of reasons to why does i. Message say not delivered, and some of them are listed below: No Wi-Fi or cellular data connection as i. Message needs an active internet connection to function.
Why does iMessage not say “delivered”?
, actually, i Message not saying “ Delivered” simply means the messages has not yet been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device due to some reasons.
A common question we ran across in our research was “Does iMessage say delivered on the bottom of the message?”.
This morning I woke up and noticed the text sent as an i. Message (blue bubble) but did not say “delivered” on the bottom of the message, as i. Message usually does. I’ve never seen this before, as everyone else that I text using i. Message, my messages go through as “delivered.”.
You should be thinking “Do iMessages still say delivered if blocked by someone?”
It went through as a blue i. Message a couple days ago, but still doesn’t say “delivered” at the bottom (it’s still blue too, it didn’t turn to a green regular text message) so basically it’s safe to assume he never got it., and right? Everything I’ve read says that i. Messages still say delivered when you are blocked by someone .
Why is my text message not being delivered?
Reasons could be: their phone not having available Wi-Fi or cellular data networks, they have their i. Phone off or on Do Not Disturb mode, etc. But generally speaking, a text message not be delivered would happen when the phone number you are sending messages to is invalid.
What does “delivered” mean on a text message?
When It says “delivered” that means it has sent to your recipient and when it doesn’t say delivered that means that either you don’t have Wi. Fi or their battery is dead so the message hasn’t gone through I think. From my understanding, when your message says delivered under it then the person received it.
If you try to send a message and you see with an alert that says Not Delivered, follow these steps: 1 Check your network connection. 3 If you still can’t send the message, tap, then tap Send as Text Message. Messaging rates may apply.
Why can’t I receive iMessage messages?
So, make sure you sending i, and message. So, check if your friend or the receiver is also using i, and phone. If not, the message will not be delivered. Apple offers you an option to block the suers you don’t want to receive message or calls from.
When imessage is unavailable it will send it as a text message, that can be due to the other side not having imessage turned on or they’re in an area with a weak wifi or cellular data signal.
If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an i. Phone and another i. OS device, like an i. Pad, your i. Message settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. To check if your phone number is set to send and receive messages, go to Settings > Messages, and tap Send & Receive.
Why am I getting text messages as SMS instead of iMessage?
Only when you have sms turned on or probably whej you open the settings app, you will see send as sms when imessage is unavailable when the imessage is not working or you have ran out of data or not available Wi-Fi in your environment.
What does send as SMS when iMessage is unavailable mean?
Send as sms when imessage is unavailable simply means to send a message using the cellular network as the imessage is not working or unavailable at that very moment you’re trying to send a message or imessage to a recipient.
What if I don’t use iMessage?
If you aren’t using i. Message, you can use SMS/MMS. These messages are texts and photos that you send to other cell phones or i, and os devices. SMS/MMS messages aren’t encrypted and appear in green text bubbles on your device.
Yet another query we ran across in our research was “What is iMessage and how to use it?”.
, i Messages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages. If you aren’t using i. Message, you can use SMS/MMS.