Apple doesn’t let you know when someone blocked you on i, and message. Can you imagine getting a notification on your phone about someone blocking you on i, and message ?
While we were researching we ran into the question “Will imessage send if blocked?”.
If you send a message to someone that has blocked you, your message will be sent as an i. Message (blue bubble) with no notifications – you won’t know if it was delivered or not. However, if you’ve enabled the “Send as Text Message” feature, your message will be sent as an SMS using your cellular plan (kind of a fallback because your message didn’t go through).
Step 2 Send an i. Message out, and observe whether that color of i. Message will be changed from blue to green or not. As you might probably know, there is a piece of small status information under the i. Message you sent. It also can be a sign you can know if others have blocked you.
There are some tips you can try to use if you have a Mac, and book. Send an i. Message on neither i. Phone or Mac. Book, and then check the status., on i Phone, it always shows a Delivered under the message, while it shows nothing if you have been blocked.
When you send an i. Message, a “Delivered” message will appear below it that lets you know the other person has received your message. You may see a “Read Receipts” of your i. Messages that let you know the other person has opened up the Messages app and tap on their conversation thread. But that option is not on by default.
Why am I getting texts from a blocked number on iPhone?
This is because the blocked number has used the “Send as Text Message” feature on their i, and phone. To do that, you long press on the message bubble and tap “Send as Text Message” from the pop-up menu.
We sent this message before the other number blocked us. The following two messages (green bubble) are SMS with notification indicating they were sent as “Text Message”. This is because the blocked number has used the “Send as Text Message ” feature on their i, and phone.
Why are my iMessages not showing up on my phone?
As mentioned above, i. Message will not say delivered if their phone is off, out of service, or without a Wi-Fi connection. Wait a few hours, or even a day, and try to text again and see what happens. If you still don’t see the status of your i. Messages after multiple attempts they sure have blocked you.
, i Messages normally appear in blue text bubbles (messages between Apple devices). If you’ve enabled “Send as SMS” on your i. Phone, when i. Message is not available your messages will be sent as SMS. Keep in mind Carrier messaging rates may apply. If you know someone has an i. Phone and suddenly text messages between you and that person are green.