How do I move a smartsheet to a workspace?

You first creat the workspace, then from the home page you can drag and drop the sheet on to the workspace. Kindly note that the access levels of the work space will be automatically applied on all sheets within the workspace so make sure this is your purpose. Flders can be in the Sheets area and also sub folders inside other folders.

Copy your best folders and workspaces to make any project repeatable. Start new without re-creating anything — Smartsheet automatically copies over all of your reports and linked cells for you. No more manual copying and pasting. To copy a folder or workspace: Go to the Home tab; Select the workspace or folder you want to clone.

How do I share a Smartsheet from a workspace?

For more information, see Sharing an Item from a Workspace later in this article. In the top right corner of the item, click Share. If you don’t see the Share button, click the down arrow icon in the upper-right corner of the Smartsheet window.

How do I transfer ownership of Smartsheet items in a workspace?

In the form, select the current sharing permission level next to your name and choose Owner from the list. Confirm whether you’d like to also take ownership of the current owner’s Smartsheet items in the workspace as well, then select Send Transfer Request An email is sent to the current owner with a link to approve the transfer request.

When you attempt to move the item, you’ll see a circle with a slash, indicating you can’t move the item. You don’t have the correct permissions (see below). You’re attempting to move an item to an area of Smartsheet that can’t host it. For example, you can’t drag a sheet into the Workspaces heading.

What is a workspace in Smartsheet?

Use a workspace to streamline the process of organizing and sharing multiple Smartsheet items ( sheets, reports, dashboards ). Workspaces are similar to folders, but allow you to quickly share all of their contents with someone—although you can also selectively share individual items as needed.

Another thing we wanted the answer to was, where can I learn more about Smartsheet regions and workspaces?

To learn more about Smartsheet Regions, click here. For more information about plan types and included capabilities, see the Smartsheet Plans page. A workspace is helpful when you need to share a number of items with the same group of people.

How do I move a sheet to my own workspace?

You do need to be the owner of the sheet to move it into your own workspace. I create most of the sheets for my team, so I forgot about that part since I am typically the owner already. You should however be able to move it into a subfolder within your Sheets folder.

I would like to keep things organized and not have to remember that a particular shared sheet is in another location other than my particular project workspace. You need to be the Owner of the sheet to pull it into a Workspace.

For example, to share a collection of sheets, reports, and dashboards, place them in a workspace that is shared to people in a specific department at your organization. The level of access people have to items in a workspace is controlled by their sharing permission levels.

Copying a workspace or folder makes it easy, for example, to re-create a set of sheets to be used for a new project or client. You can copy a folder or workspace that contains up to 100 items (including sheets, reports, dashboards, templates, and sub-folders).

Can I share a Smartsheet sheet with someone else?

The people you share with won’t be able to access any of your other Smartsheet data (unless you choose to share it with them ). If you want to share a sheet or other item that’s contained in a workspace without having to share the entire workspace with them, that’s possible.

How do I share multiple Smartsheet items at once?

To share multiple Smartsheet items at the same time, use a workspace. For example, to share a collection of sheets, reports, and dashboards, place them in a workspace that is shared to people in a specific department at your organization. The level of access people have to items in a workspace is controlled by their sharing permission levels.