Does microsoft edge use less ram than chrome?

Based on our ten tab test, Google Chrome consumed 537.6MB or 25% more RAM than Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge, however, used 0.8% more CPU power compared to Google Chrome. Again, the CPU usage varied wildly between 0.1% and 9.8% for both browsers. Overall, Microsoft Edge consumed less RAM compared to Google Chrome in all three testing scenarios.

Overall, Microsoft Edge consumed less RAM compared to Google Chrome in all three testing scenarios. Next, we ran Jet, stream2, motion Mark, and Speedometer from browserbench. Org to test for each browser’s startup speed, execution speed, smoothness, graphics, and responsiveness.

You could be asking “Does Microsoft Edge use less memory than Google Chrome?”

In most but not all cases Edge used slightly less memory, and Chrome loaded slightly faster. The test was performed with an i7 with 16GB ram, an SSD and a 100MB fibre internet connection. I use a few Microsoft Products in my everyday life.

Does Google Chrome use a lot of RAM?

I tested Chrome against Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge, and my findings were quite interesting. Despite its reputation for being a real RAM hog, Chrome did not perform the worst. In fact, Chrome was mostly in the middle, while Firefox used up the most RAM overall. Microsoft Edge used up the least RAM in every single test.

Edge did the best when it came to memory usage. It used around 640 MB, which is three times less than Firefox. After Edge shifted to Chromium, it has become much better. Edge used 3.2 – 3.5% of CPU while running 20 processes. Edge looks to be a great browser to shift from Google Chrome, especially for users that have low RAM. So, there you have it.

Is Microsoft Edge safer than Google Chrome?

Because Google Chrome and Edge have very similar security protocols. But, it is often said that Edge is safer only on the basis that Microsoft has better list of bad websites compared to Google Chrome. But if you have an Anti-Virus in your system, it won’t make a difference.

Should I get Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome for my laptop?

Unless your laptop is loaded down with more RAM than you know what to do with, Google Chrome is going to negatively impact your system performance if you run more than a handful of tabs at a time. If that were the lone advantage of Edge I wouldn’t recommend it as there’s a lot more that goes into a browser.

Although, Chrome has better GUI’s and more advanced user usage, It uses a staggering amount of RAM. While Edge does have unique but confusing GUI’s. It uses less Memory. It uses 30–200MB.

Which web browser uses the most Ram?

In fact, Chrome was mostly in the middle, while Firefox used up the most RAM overall. Microsoft Edge used up the least RAM in every single test. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge: How I tested.