How long should I keep my android phone?

On average, most people keep their smartphones for 2-3 years before selling it and upgrading, and there’s a pretty good reason why. According to Apple, new i. Phones should last a minimum of 3 years. On the other hand, Android phones seem to be designed to last 2 years minimum, but with so many makers of Android devices, that number can vary.

Let us dig a little deeper. it needs to clear in what aspect you said last longer. In software wise, the android phones mostly stopped being supported by its maker about 2–3 years after releases. For mid and low end smartphones, the support can end sooner. It’s different with what apple does with i, and phone.

The truth is that i. Phones last longer than Android phones. The reason behind this is Apple’s commitment to quality., i Phones have better durability, longer battery life, and excellent after-sales services, according to Cellect Mobile US (https://www. cellectmobile. com/).

Bottom line: Android smartphones generally feature a longer battery life than i. Phone simply because they’re larger, pack in stronger batteries and feature a much richer set of features designed for identifying battery hogs, managing energy consumption, using various low-power modes that help cut down power consumption Sep 23, 2018.

Will a budget Android phone last longer than an iPhone?

After a year that budget Android phone gets shoved in a drawer. It will last longer than the i. Phone that gets used every day but its useful life is less than one fifth that of an i, and phone. Let’s say you paid $100 for the Android budget phone and $600 for an i, and phone.

How long can you safely use an old iPhone?

Apple supports its smartphones for about five years after a model is released, giving the devices the latest versions of i. OS and the latest patches to known vulnerabilities. That’s pretty generous considering that most people get a new smartphone every two or three years.

Apple vs. Android Lifespan According to Apple, new i. Phones should last a minimum of 3 years. On the other hand, Android phones seem to be designed to last 2 years minimum, but with so many makers of Android devices, that number can vary. Can your phone last longer than 2-3 years?

What is the average lifespan of an iPhone?

Obviously planned obsolescence is part of Apple’s design after about 4 years, and an i. Phone will start to experience performance issues at around the 3 year mark. If you were to compare an i. Phone and Android both released at the same time out of the box, in some situations the Android is the better phone.

How long do Xiaomi phones last?

Xiaomi phones should last you up to 4 years, and some claim that it can work for up to 7 years, but at about 2+ years, you might start facing some issues, such as the touchscreen getting stuck, that require you to get it repaired.

Do Android phones have a useful life?

That’s one piece of the puzzle. A budget Android phone may have a useful life in terms of processing power of one year, sometimes less. After a year that budget Android phone gets shoved in a drawer. It will last longer than the i. Phone that gets used every day but its useful life is less than one fifth that of an i, and phone.

Serviceability The serviceability of Android phones has been better (meaning easier and less expensive ) than i. Phones for a long time now. Some Android phones still today have a removable battery that you yourself can take out and replace or service to your liking.

#1 Because people stop using Android phones long before they breakdown. , and that’s why., i Phones remain supported by Apple for many more years than Android phones are supported by Android OEMs. This is a great troll question but it’s flawed on many levels.