How to add your own music to premiere rush?

Click the icon. After selecting the portion of the clip, click Add. To add media to your project while editing, click the icon in the left toolbar and select Audio. Browse to find the media you want to add to your project. You can quickly search for in-built audio within Premiere Rush using keywords.

How do I add built-in music to my Rush Project?

To access and add Premiere Rush’s built-in music to your project, first click the Add Media button. The Add Media button is the white “+” in a blue circle, located at the top of the screen, on the left. Click the “Media…” button on the window that pops open. This opens the media browser.

How do I record audio in Adobe Premiere Rush?

Learn how to record audio (such as music or voiceover ) and refine pre-recorded audio in your Adobe Premiere Rush project. Position the playhead where you want to begin recording. Click the blue + icon in the left toolbar and select Voiceover. Click the Microphone icon in the audio track for which you want to record the audio.

What files can I import into Premiere Rush to edit?

You can bring your video clips, photos, graphics, and audio files from your computer or an external drive right into Premiere Rush and start editing your video project.

Premiere Rush automatically tracks any changes to audio clips in the timeline and adjusts the ducked portions of the music clip for you. Control the amount of auto-ducking using the Reduce by slider. Moving the slider to the left with a lower value means that the music gets louder.

One of the next things we wondered was; how do I change the location Premiere Rush saves files?

To open the Preferences dialog, choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or select Premiere Rush > Preferences (mac. OS). To change the location where Premiere Rush stores your copied media, click Choose in the Media Import area. Navigate to the folder where you want to save your media and click Choose again.