Why can’t I hear on webex?

If you’re seeing in text chat that you can be heard, but you can’t hear anyone else, either your sound is muted, turned down too low, or the wrong speaker output is selected in Webex. Since you can have multiple speakers outputs, it’s important to tell Webex which device you are actually using.

[Solution] Trouble with Audio in Web. Ex 1 Before joining a meeting, plug in any external devices (headset, headset with mic, or external speaker). 2 Webex uses your operating system default sound- speaker and mic. 3 You can change the audio source from within Webex Meetings and Webex Events once you are in the meeting or before you See More .

One question we ran across in our research was “How do I Turn on multiple speakers in Webex?”.

Since you can have multiple speakers outputs, it’s important to tell Webex which device you are actually using. While on a conference, select the Audio menu, then select Speaker, Microphone and Camera . Make sure the proper Speaker is selected.

How do you know if you are muted on webex?

Your mute status appears in the meeting controls and the Participants panel. Similarly, muting and unmuting from the desktop app also affects your headset. If the host has prevented participants from unmuting themselves in Webex Meetings, you can only unmute yourself after the host sends.

In Cisco Webex Meetings Mobile App Version 39.7, the Mute on Entry feature is enabled by default. When enabled, the Mute on Entry feature mutes a user when the user joins the audio conference using Call Me or Call In. Go to Setting in mobile app. How do I find audio settings in Web, and ex?

One of the next things we asked ourselves was how do I know if the mute button is working?

You’ll know it’s working when the button turns red, . If you want to unmute yourself, select. If you prefer, you can unmute yourself temporarily. If you see beside your name in the participants list, that indicates that the host or cohost has muted you and you can’t unmute yourself.

How do I test if WebEx is working properly?

On Windows, use the speaker icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Open a You. Tube video to be sure that your computer is producing sound. Choose the appropriate speaker and while you’re here, make sure Webex is using the appropriate microphone. While in this menu, click on Settings to use the “Test” button.

How do I Turn Off background noise in WebEx meetings?

If Webex Meetings detects background noise by mistake, click Not a noise to ignore it. (Optional) If you don’t want to be warned about background noise coming from your microphone, click Disable noise detection. When you’re sharing, click Mute Me on the Meeting Controls Panel at the top of your screen to mute your microphone.

No one wants to hear background noise in a Webex App call or meeting. You can mute yourself so that everyone can concentrate on what’s being discussed. While you’re on a call or in a meeting, select at the bottom of the meeting window. You’ll know it’s working when the button turns red,. If you want to unmute yourself, select .

For 41.10 and later sites, see Select audio settings for Webex Meetings and Events (new). To see what version you’re on, see Find your Webex Meetings version number. For 41.9 and earlier sites, follow the steps below. To mute or unmute yourself, click Mute or Unmute .

To mute everyone but yourself and the presenter at once, open the Participants panel, and then select Mute all or Unmute all. To mute participants automatically when they join the meeting or event, go to the Participants panel and click Mute on entry .

How do I ask attendees to speak in WebEx meetings?

For example, you can ask attendees to raise their hand if they would like to speak. For information on raising your hand, see Raise your hand in Webex Meetings and Events. Hosts and cohosts can even control whether attendees are allowed to unmute themselves when in an individual breakout session.

This of course begs the inquiry “What devices can I plug in before joining a WebEx Meeting?”

Before joining a meeting, make sure to plug in any external devices that you plan to use for your audio (headset, headset with mic, or external speaker). Webex uses your operating systems default sound- speaker and mic, but this can be changed to a specific device before joining the meeting.