When should you charge your android phone?

, and hello there! You can charge your phone whenever you need. But for maximizing its battery lifespan, try to maintain it in the 20% – 80% battery level range. If not, just make sure you don’t leave your phone charging for too long after it’s fully charged.

It’s best to charge your phone for a short period of time, whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Partial charging is best for the longevity of your battery. Battery University has stated that deep charging cycles shorten the lifespan of the battery.

One of the next things we asked ourselves was: why do people ask when to charge phone battery?

The answer is that people who ask questions about when to charge their phone battery – must have experienced or heard of situations when phone battery life becomes unnecessarily short. In most cases, what spoils the battery of a phone is a bad charger and not even percentage the phone should be before you should charge it.

How much should you charge your phone battery?

However, it is better if you can keep to the average 40% – 80% rule. The rule states, “ to prolong the phone battery life, keep the battery always charged between 40% -80% “.

This of course begs the query “What percentage should I charge my phone?”

When it’s possible, you should try to keep your battery’s level between 65% to 75% capacity. Battery University stated that the lithium-ion battery in your phone will last longer if you keep it between 65% to 75% charged at all times.

How much should you charge your phone’s battery?

The second best charge range for your phone’s battery is 45% to 75% capacity. This may be much more realistic for the average person on a daily basis. It would be best if you developed a daily routine to charge your phone at particular times to keep it within the recommended levels.

How long does a battery charge last on a phone?

Use these features for more than a few hours, though, and your phone’s battery charge may not last longer than a day. You can coax more life out of your phone by charging the battery correctly and tweaking a few power-hungry settings.

Also, how often should I top up my phone’s battery?

How often you charge will affect the battery life, for better or worse. In short, the more often you top up your battery, the better. To REALLY minimize battery degradation, top up for every 10% drop in battery level. And keep your battery level as close to the middle (50%) as possible.