Why does my imessage go from blue to green?

If your text shows in a blue bubble, it was sent through i. Message to another Apple user. On the other hand, if it is green, it indicates that the message was delivered to a non-Apple user or you meet the problems shown below. Keep reading to know everything!

It can also mean that an i. Message users does not, at the current time, have an active data connection. Or you don’t. Or the person has signed out of i. Message for some reason. Blue messages indicate i. Messages sent to/from other Apple devices. Green messages indicate SMS text messages sent to/from other cellular telephones.

The next thing we asked ourselves was, why are my imessages green not blue?

We should dig a little deeper! if you see a green message bubble If you see a green message bubble instead of a blue one, then that message was sent using MMS/SMS instead of i, and message. There are several reasons for this: The person that you sent the message to doesn’t have an Apple device. , i Message is turned off on your device or on your recipient’s device.

They’d then appear as green, even if sent to an i, and phone. For a few more details about the differences (and how to un-encrypt i. Messages, should you want to), check out this Apple info page: About i. Message and SMS/MMS. The blue means that the message is sent by i. Message, no SMS charge but with traffic.

Firstly, in the Messages app, your outgoing message bubbles are either blue or green. That color coding is key to knowing what’s what. Let’s start with blue ones: If they’re blue, that means it is an i. Message going from one Apple device (i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod, or Mac) to another.

Here’s the answer Some users are wondering why i. Messages sometimes turn green and they don’t get the Delivered tag underneath a message. The thing is rather simple and it has to do with the way i. Messages and SMS are administered.

So, to conclude the difference between blue and green clouds in Apple Messages is: Blue — i, phone-to-i Phone network-based messaging called i. Messages with all bells and whistles and completely free. They might include carrier fees. How to ensure that your i. Messages are blue.

Why are my text messages blue and green on my iPhone?

If your text messages are green then they are being sent as SMS text messages, when they are blue they are being sent via Apple’s i, and message service. They can only be blue when you are sending message to other i. OS users who have turned on i. Message on thier device.

The answer was in response to Bp1421. Blue or Green has nothing to do with being blocked. Blue means i, and message, i. E, messages sent through Apple, Green means messages sent through SMS.

The blue means that the message is sent by i. Message, no SMS charge but with traffic. , in i Message mode, if the message is failed to deliver, it will be sent by SMS automatically. The green is sent by text message, which is charged by the carrier.

The next thing we wanted the answer to was what does the color of the text messages on iPhone mean?

My answer is as noted, the color of the messages tells you nothing about whether or not the recipient is seeing your messages. Blue or Green has nothing to do with being blocked. Blue means i, and message, i. E, messages sent through Apple, Green means messages sent through SMS.

What are the blue bubbles in iMessage?

Message with blue bubbles are sent via the i. Message instant messaging protocol —a messaging platform specific to Apple devices. If you’re communicating between two Apple devices with i. Message enabled, you’ll see blue messages.

How to change message bubble from blue to Green in WhatsApp?

Step 1: Once you created a message, long-press the message that you want to send in SMS format. Step 2: When the dialog box appears, choose to “Send as Text message” option. Your message bubble will be changed from blue to green.

What do the text message background colors mean?

The green message background indicates the traditional SMS text message. It actually means a message that you have sent to someone else is through SMS message service instead of Apple i, and message. Blue message background means the message is sent via i, and message technology. Wondering why this happen?