Why does an imessage send as a text message?

, your i Phone sending a text message to a contact in place of an i. Message could happen for multiple reasons. Here are some: 1. Blue Chat Bubble: If you cannot tell the difference between an i. Message and simple text, you can always check the color of your chat bubble.

This of course begs the query “Why am I getting text messages as iMessage instead of iMessage?”

, i Message is Apple’s messaging app so the person who is getting messages as text probably is not using i. Message and/or is not using an i, and phone. The type of message might have changed. Is your business landline ready for texting?

Why does my text say sent as a text message?

” Any message sent to a non-Apple user will be sent as a text message., the i Messaging service is only available for Apple devices. But if the i. Message couldn’t be sent, or if the recipient doesn’t have i. Message enabled, then your i. Phone will send it as a text message.

This can happen if i. Message is down, or if there is a network issue on the part of the sender. Additionally, if the message was intended to be sent as an i. Message but was unable to do so, then there will be a little indication under the green message bubble stating that it was sent as an SMS instead.

Is it better to send a text or an iMessage?

In many cases it may be preferable to send as a text message instead to ensure the information reaches its destination., an i Message can only be sent to a user with an i. OS device that has i, and message enabled. Any text to someone else, such as an individual with an Android phone, will be sent as a text message by default.

What are iMessages and how do they work?

, i Messages run on the Internet: i. Messages are also used to send photos, videos, and audios other than text messages. They send this data through the internet. You must have an active cellular or Wi-Fi to send i, and messages.

Here is what happens when your blue i. Message is sent as text message green. Blocked settings could be the reason for it. You have to enable i, and message first. If you enable i. Message in the settings, the messages you send to other i. Phone users will use internet or cellular data to send messages.

Why can’t I send text messages on my iPhone?

, your i Message is disabled: Sometimes your i. Message service is disabled by yourself, and you might not even notice it. If your i. Messages are off, your i. Phone will only send simple text messages to all contacts. Therefore, you can go to the i. Phone settings, check for the i. Message service, and turn it on.