Do imessages send as text when blocked?

If you send a message to someone that has blocked you, your message will be sent as an i. Message (blue bubble) with no notifications – you won’t know if it was delivered or not. However, if you’ve enabled the “Send as Text Message” feature, your message will be sent as an SMS using your cellular plan (kind of a fallback because your message didn’t go through).

As mentioned above, i. Message will not say delivered if their phone is off, out of service, or without a Wi-Fi connection. Wait a few hours, or even a day, and try to text again and see what happens. If you still don’t see the status of your i. Messages after multiple attempts they sure have blocked you.

We should dig a little deeper! although there is a small percent that he/she turned off the Send Read Receipts function, you might have been blocked if the i. Message you sent stays blue saying Delivered but never turns to Read . Check the i. Message Status on Mac, and book.

How to know if someone blocked you on iMessage on MacBook?

There are some tips you can try to use if you have a Mac, and book. Send an i. Message on neither i. Phone or Mac. Book, and then check the status., on i Phone, it always shows a Delivered under the message, while it shows nothing if you have been blocked.

Do text messages go through as an iMessage?

Yes, they go through as an i. Message, they turn blue, but never say “delivered.” I know for a fact that he is not receiving them because he will text me and have no clue that I’ve sent him a thing. I even try sending them as SMS and he doesn’t seem to get those either.

One of the next things we wanted the answer to was does iMessage say sent as text message?

The answer was yes, you could be blocked if: i. Message goes blue but turns green after some time.

Here is what happens when your blue i. Message is sent as text message green. Blocked settings could be the reason for it. You have to enable i, and message first. If you enable i. Message in the settings, the messages you send to other i. Phone users will use internet or cellular data to send messages.

, i Messages normally appear in blue text bubbles (messages between Apple devices). If you’ve enabled “Send as SMS” on your i. Phone, when i. Message is not available your messages will be sent as SMS. Keep in mind Carrier messaging rates may apply. If you know someone has an i. Phone and suddenly text messages between you and that person are green.

Why did I get a text message from a blocked number?

We sent this message before the other number blocked us. The following two messages (green bubble) are SMS with notification indicating they were sent as “Text Message”. This is because the blocked number has used the “Send as Text Message ” feature on their i, and phone.

Why does an imessage not show delivered?

Internet Connection on Your i, and phone
method 2.

, i Message doesn’t say “Delivered” on your i. Phone may due to the person you sending the message to has a non-i, and os device. If you fail to send a message, you should resend the message as a text message by enabling Send as SMS in Settings on your device ( Settings > Messages > Send as SMS ).

Reasons could be: their phone not having available Wi-Fi or cellular data networks, they have their i. Phone off or on Do Not Disturb mode, etc. But generally speaking, a text message not be delivered would happen when the phone number you are sending messages to is invalid.

The next thing we wanted the answer to was does delivered go away when message is read on iPhone?

You can read more does delivered go away when message is read. Aside from the imessage or the ios device, whenever you see the term delivered after sending a message or a text message, it simply means the sent message has been received by the recipient on it’s mobile phone or device.