[Solution] How to Fix i. Message when its not Working
Step One : Reset Network Settings.
, if i Message isn’t working with just one contact, make sure that contact hasn’t changed phones recently. The problem is likely on their end., i Message needs an internet connection to work., i Messages sent over Wi-Fi don’t count towards your cellular plan, which is why i. Message can be awesome.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why won’t my iMessage work?”.
One thought is that sometimes when i. Message isn’t working, it’s a problem on Apple’s end. But most of the time, i. Message not working is the fault of some buggy i. OS or a faulty internet connection. If you’re wondering, “why won’t my i. Message work,” each of the following steps will help fix it.
Why are my iMessage messages not working on my iPhone?
If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an i. Phone and another i. OS device, like an i. Pad, your i. Message settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. To check if your phone number is set to send and receive messages, go to Settings > Messages, and tap Send & Receive.
(You shouldn’t have to look too hard.) Open up Messages and send them a message. If the bubble is blue, then i. Message is working. If the bubble is green, then i. Message isn’t working and your i. Phone is sending messages using your cellular plan.
Set your phone number to send and receive messages Go to Settings → Messages → Send & Receive. You should see your number and an associated Apple ID listed in this list. You’ll have to try a variety of methods to get i. Message working again.
, if i Message or Facetime isn’t working, turning each off and on will, more often than not, fix the problem. Just like turning your i. Phone off and on usually fixes any problems you’re having, turning i. Message or Facetime off and on will usually do the same., toggle i, and messages off. Wait five minutes., toggle i Message back On.
One way to think about this is there are several ways to fix ‘i. Message deos not work on i. Pad’ issue, including 8 common ways and the easiest way by using Fone. Dog toolkit: Check to see if messages are blocked. Check to see if i. Message is set up properly on your i, and pad. Check your internet connection, like Wi-Fi. Sign out then log back in your i, and message.
What happens if iMessage is down?
The good news is that even if i. Message is down, you should still be able to communicate with your friends via normal texts., if i Message is failing, your message should automatically be pushed into green-bubble texts instead of blue-bubble i, and messages. Green indicates that the message is being sent as a text, rather than an i, and message).
Moreover, what happens if I Turn Off iMessage when I leave?
Like I said if your phone number does not work then you cannot send SMS so if you turn imessage off you have no way of activating it because you have no way of sending SMS. If you can use it with wifi just leave it like that until you get home I’m here for four months I only turned off i. Message after it stopped working.
What are the disadvantages of iMessage?
The primary drawback of i. Message is that it only works between Apple devices. It’s impossible to send an i. Message to someone with an Android smartphone.