Reasons for these broken links maybe a deleted or moved file that was once connected to the spreadsheet in one or another way. The hurdle faced by users is finding the broken links in excels and then getting a prompt solution for fixing the broken links in excel efficiently.
The problem arises when you implement hyperlinks to the classified sheets to assess employee performance and the hyperlinks don’t open. Many a time, this issue may crop up due to Workbook corruption, either due to storing a vast amount of data or abrupt Workbook shutdown.
Once Excel 2010 is open in Safe Mode create a new test Excel Spreadsheet and create a hyperlink to a PDF file saved on D: drive. Save and close Excel 2010. Reopen Excel 2010 again in the Safe Mode and check if the path of the hyperlinks changes. Try the above step and let us know the result.
Scroll down to find the General tab and click on Web Options. On Web Options, pop-up, Click on Files and Uncheck the box for “ Update Links on save ”.
The next thing we asked ourselves was why do my hyperlinks break when saving a workbook?
One way to think about this is try using the HYPERLINK function to build your links. People report that the links do not break when using this method. Apparently, hyperlinks sometimes get truncated with long filenames when saving a workbook.
Why can’t I break links in Excel?
If you cannot break links in Excel® then follow these steps (backup your file first): Unprotect each sheet in your problem file: HOME RIBBON – (CELLS) FORMAT – PROTECT SHEETS. Break links: DATA RIBBON – (CONNECTIONS) EDIT LINKS – Select sheet then BREAK LINK .
You might be thinking “Why is the break links button in Excel not working?”
Sometimes when you click on the edit links menu for breaking the links between the excel files, the break links button gets dimmed out and becomes non functional. It happens when the sheet or the workbook is protected .
Why can’t I break links in a protected sheet?
B) If a cell within a protected sheet is linked to an external file then you won’t be able to break links. Excel® will give you a warning that the external link cannot be broken due to the sheet being protected. Excel® won’t be helpful enough to tell you which sheet contains the external link so you may need to go searching for it.
What is broken link in Excel?
This file extension denotes the source file linked to the respective cell. In case, when the source file is deleted or relocated in the device, the cell in excel appears with an error representing excel broken link. For instance, to track the link applied in any formula, here are the steps mentioned:.
How to delete broken links in Excel Office 365?
Step 1: Head to the workbook which contains the broken link creating the problem. Step 2: Move the cursor on the Data tab and click the option of Edit Links. Step 3: In the Source file box, click the broken link which you want to delete.
How to break link to selected file in Excel?
Select the link and click on the break links option. This should break the link to selected file. Now sometimes it happens that the break link button is dimmed out and does not work. And sometimes the break link option button is working but id does not break links. Let’s see each case and solve them. Break links button is dimmed out.