Github is an online Git Repository hosting service you can use, to host your projects, share your code, contribute to various open source projects and also collaborate with others on a project. Another awesome feature about Git. Hub is, you can use it to host your static websites.
This of course begs the question “Does github host websites?”
One common answer is, You can host your static web pages, like blog or portfolio, on Git. Hub’s servers for free. Initially, you will have the domain name which will look something like this: yourname., and github. Io, but if you have your own domain name, we can point it to your repository.
Can I use GitHub Pages to host my website?
, git Hub Pages is not intended for or allowed to be used as a free web hosting service to run your online business, e-commerce site, or any other website that is primarily directed at either facilitating commercial transactions or providing commercial software as a service (Saa. S). Read more about Git. Hub prohibited uses.
How to host a website on GitHub?
Create a Github account. You need to have a Github account to host your website and access other awesome features. Go to Git. Hub’s official website! And create a new account for free. Create a new repository (folder). After you sign up! Click on create repository button on the left side of your screen.
Can I use GitHub subdomains for my website?
You may use Git. Hub subdomains (e. g, yourname. github. io) solely as permitted and intended by the Git. Hub Pages tool to host your company pages, personal pages, or open source project pages, and for no other purpose. You may not use Git. Hub subdomains in violation of Git. Hub’s trademark or other rights or in violation of applicable law.
Github pages allows you to host one site per Git. Hub account and organization, but unlimited project sites. This means that if you want to host another site or webpage with Gihub Pages, it will be classed as a project.
Is it possible to host a product on GitHub?
It’s common to host blogs on Github Pages for example. You could probably host technical documentation about a commercial product you’re selling. However, you couldn’t host a product catalogue, for example. Highly active question.
Is it possible to build a website on GitHub for free?
Yeah, that’s right. Unlike many websites that require you to purchase hosting and domain, Git. Hub lets you upload a static website on their platform using Github Pages for free.
How to host multiple static content websites on one GitHub page?
With one github user account (https:// < username > .github. io) we can still have multiple static content websites hosted with different custom domains (Eg:,, can just create a new repository for each domain and point the A record to github pages IP and CNAME record to < username > .github., and io.
Yes, it is possible to have multiple Git. Hub Pages sites within one account. Create another Git. Hub repository and push your site files to the gh-pages branch. This would result in the site being hosted at tshepang., and github., and io/
What are the usage limits for GitHub Pages?
, git Hub Pages sites are subject to the following usage limits: Git. Hub Pages source repositories have a recommended limit of 1GB., published git Hub Pages sites may be no larger than 1 GB. Hub Pages sites have a soft bandwidth limit of 100GB per month., git Hub Pages sites have a soft limit of 10 builds per hour. Read more about Git. Hub usage limits.