None of the citation databases are particularly good. Google Scholar tends to err on the side of inclusiveness (thereby over-representing impact), while the more curated databases (e. g, ISI Wo. K) tend to err on the side of exclusiveness (thereby under-representing impact).
Google Scholar Citations provides a simple way for scholars to keep track of citations to their articles. Authors can check who is citing their publications, graph citations over time and compute several citation metrics. Authors can also create an automatically maintained public profile that lists all their articles.
One of the next things we asked ourselves was; does google scholar contain citation counts?
Google Scholar provides only very basic citation analysis options compared with reports and tools available from Scopus and Web of Science. The simplest option for analyzing citation counts in Google Scholar is to find the number of times an individual article has been cited by others.
One of the next things we wondered was why are my citation metrics not up to Google Scholar’s index?
If you have substantially changed the bibliographic record (title, authors, journal, etc.), Google Scholar may not able to match it up with Google Scholar’s index right away. If so, it may take a few days for your citation metrics to include the updated article . My profile shows the same article twice. How do I fix this?
Whatever has been cited by another work on the web and can be collected by Google will be in Google Scholar. There is no standardization of author names so you may have to search multiple variations of a name to find works written by an individual. Anything cited by another article, whether scholarly or not will be included in the times cited list.
How much time Google scholar takes to update citations depends mostly on type of journal. Google scholar, just like RG updates the citations as it finds them in its database. Perhaps you can try Harzing’s Publish or Perish, it searches for scholarly publications and calculates a number of citations and impact metrics.
How do I cite a Google Scholar article with no period?
You’ll need to grab the citation from Google Scholar, then click on the title of the article to go to the article page . The article page probably has the DOI, which you should add at the end of the citation with no period following as it can interfere with the link.
What are Google Scholar profiles and how do they work?
Google Scholar Profiles provide a simple way for authors to showcase their academic publications. You can check who is citing your articles, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. You can also make your profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name, e. G, richard feynman .
Perform a keyword search and if you find a citation with an author name underlined you will be able to click on that author name to view that author’s profile within Google Scholar. Citations included in an author profile are sorted so that the most cited research appears at the top of the list.