Find out at command line. Open the terminal application and type the following command to see Linux version: hostnamectl Look for “Operating System” in above screen shot. One can use the grep command or egrep command as follows:.
1 lsb_release command. The lsb_release utility displays LSB (Linux Standard Base) information about the Linux distribution. This command should work on 2 /etc/os-release file. 3 /etc/issue file. 4 hostnamectl command. 5 /etc/*release file., and more items.
Another frequent query is “How do I find the Linux version of my system?”.
One way to consider this is Most Linux distributions these days use systemd. On such a system, you can use the hostnamectl command to get Linux version detail.
Knowing your Linux version is important when it comes to updates and troubleshooting. We explain how to check your version of Linux.
We can check the Linux Operating System (OS) info by running the below command Example 2: Using lsb_release command. LSB Stands for Linux Standard Base, we can check the Linux Operating System (OS) using lsb_release command Example 3: Using version file available in Linux’s proc directory.
What version of Linux Am I running?
As you can see, the /proc/version file specifies the version of the Linux kernel, the version of gcc used to compile the kernel, and the time of kernel compilation. It also contains the kernel compiler’s user name. Now you know how to check what Linux version you’re running.
What version of Linux kernel is running on my System?
The uname command displays several system information, including the Linux kernel architecture, name, version, and release. To find out what version of the Linux kernel is running on your system, type the following command: The output above tells us that the Linux kernel is 64-bit, and its version is “4.9.0-8-amd64”.
The next thing we asked ourselves was: how do I get the Linux kernel version?
Get Linux version Using hostnamectl command: Open the terminal and type the following command: The result should look somewhat alike to this: Check Linux version Using uname command: This will not provide you the exact distribution and version, but the kernel version.
What linux version command?
Check Linux version with uname command We will use uname command. It is used to print our Linux system information such as kernel version and release name, network hostname, machine hardware name, processor architecture, hardware platform and the operating system.
How to find Linux version 2 using cat command?
Find Linux version with cat command: Type in the following command into the Linux terminal: The output should look like this. You can see the result above, but if you want a filtered version, simply enter this command: As you can see in the output below, it gives the distribution name and its version 2. Get Linux version Using hostnamectl command:.