How to Use Webex Meetings for Videoconferencing on i. Phone & i, and pad. Open the “Webex Meet” app on your i. Phone or i, and pad. If you’re just trying to join an ongoing meeting, you can tap on “Join Meeting” and type in the Meeting number or URL. Once you’re in the main menu of the app, swipe left to visit the next page. Now, tap on “Start Meeting” as shown in the screenshot below.
Does webex work on iphone?
Webex meetings are supported on new Apple i, and phones. Users will have a seamless meetings experience when they upgrade their devices to the latest. Support available for Apple i, and os 15.
Webex on the App Store Cisco Webex is an app for continuous team work . Move work forward in secure work spaces where everyone can contribute anytime with messaging, file sharing, white boarding, video meetings, calling, and more. It works on virtually any device, with these top benefits for mobile app users:.
This of course begs the query “How do I install Cisco WebEx on my iPhone?”
Installing the Web, and ex application. Before you download applications on your i. Phone, ensure that you have installed i, and tunes. Tap the App Store icon on your i. Phone, and simply use the keywords “cisco webex meeting center” to search for the app. Once you have installed the Web. Ex app, the “Web. Ex” icon appears on your i. Phone’s Home screen.
How do I join a WebEx Meeting on an iPhone?
Documentation says that in order to “attend a Web. Ex meeting on an i. Phone, i. Pad or i. Pod Touch, you must first install the Web. Ex app. Once the app is installed, you can join into meetings by tapping the link to join the meeting in the email invitation “.
Another frequent query is “Are you looking forward to using WebEx for your next meeting?”.
Don’t worry, we got you covered. In this article, we’ll guide you through the necessary steps in order to set up and use Webex meetings for videoconferencing on both the i. Phone and i, and pad.
If you’re not quite content with Webex Meetings, there are several other video conferencing solutions you can choose from. For example, you can try out Zoom which lets you start a 40-minute online meeting with up to 100 participants for free .
Do I need to install any other WebEx recorder app?
If you use i, phone, i Pad or i. Pod Touch to have a Web. Ex meeting, then you do not need to install any other Web. Ex recorder app. Just make sure you are running i. OS 11 and later version. Because Apple releases the built-in i. OS screen recording feature in the i. OS 11 update.
Another common inquiry is “Does webex have video?”.
As of May 2nd, anyone can use video in Web. Ex– from within Web. Ex, a telepresence system, Microsoft Lync, anything. Because all video in Web. Ex is now available to anyone with a Web, and ex subscription.
Participants connect in a virtual meeting using HD video and audio across web, desktop, mobile or video system. Solutions like Webex also offer sophisticated video conferencing features like screen sharing, meeting recording and transcription, AI-powered meeting assistance, and more.
This of course begs the query “Do you use video in your WebEx meetings?”
But in fact, many people don’t know video is an integral part of the Web, and ex client. It’s high-quality and we’ve offered it for more than eight years. Others know it’s there, but don’t realize that video is the best way to have a great meeting: to build trust, gain context, and get work done. At the end of the day, not everyone uses video.
What version of WebEx do I need to optimize for motion?
Optimizing for motion and video requires Webex video platform version 2.0. To find out which version you’re using, see Find your Webex Meetings version number. The feature also requires that your site settings permit joining meetings from video systems.
Is Cisco Webex a good alternative to zoom?
It can be considered as an alternative video calling solution to Zoom, especially if you have concerns about Zoom for whatever reason. Plus, Cisco allows up to 100 participants in a meeting with no time limits unlike Zoom. Looking forward to use Webex for your next online meeting?
Does WebEx support virtual backgrounds?
Webex now supports virtual backgrounds and background blur for meetings from the desktop app. You need to be using the Webex version 40.7 or higher for the feature to be available. So, if you’ve been on the older version, you’ve missed this gem of a feature.