Go to Settings > [ your name ] > i. Cloud, then turn on i, and cloud drive. Go to Settings > [ your name ] > i. Cloud, then turn each of the apps listed under i. Cloud Drive on or off. Tap Browse at the bottom of the screen. Under Locations, tap i, and cloud drive.
Where is i. Cloud in Settings 1 Step 1. Open Settings on your i, and phone. You’ll find i. Cloud is really not in the drop-down menu of settings like before. Click your Apple ID after sign in with your account, and then you’ll see i. Cloud is right there.
Open Settings on your i, and phone. You’ll find i. Cloud is really not in the drop-down menu of settings like before. Click your Apple ID after sign in with your account, and then you’ll see i. Cloud is right there. This change is convenient for accessing your i, cloud, i Tunes info, and App Store from one location.
What does icloud do on iphone?
The purpose of i. Cloud is to store data and important information securely on Apple’s remote servers (as opposed to your i. Phone or i. Pad). This way, all your information is backed up to a secure location and synchronized between all of your devices. Having your information backed up to the cloud has two benefits.
Some have found that introduction to i, cloud i Cloud is the service from Apple that securely stores your photos, files, notes, passwords, and other data in the cloud and keeps it up to date across all your devices, automatically., i Cloud also makes it easy to share photos, files, notes, and more with friends and family.
, i Cloud Lock, often called Activation Lock, is actually a feature that Apple provides you with your device so that unauthorized people cannot use your i. Phone or i, and pad. If your device ever gets stolen, the person will need to enter your account details before they can use the device.
What can you do with iCloud storage?
, i, and cloud storage. You can use that storage space to back up your device and to keep all of your photos, videos, documents, and text messages securely stored and updated everywhere. Depending on the size of your backup and the amount of content you keep in i. Cloud, you might run out of free space.
How it works . When your device is backed up in i. Cloud, you can easily set up a new device or restore information on one you already have.
How to find iCloud Drive folders on iPhone?
1 Open the Files App on your i, and phone. 2 On the next screen, tap on i. Cloud Drive tab under ‘Locations’ section. 3 On i. Cloud Drive screen, you will find all your Files and Folders located on i, and cloud drive.
Here’s how to turn on the i. Cloud Drive on your i. Phone or i, and pad. Step 1 : Open the settings app on your device. Step 3: Turn on “i. Cloud Drive” to get the i. Cloud Drive app to appear on the Home screen. With the launch of i. OS 11, came a better way to view files on your i, and phone.
How do I Find My Apple ID on my iPhone?
Step 1: Open the “Settings App” on your device. Step 2: At the very top, of the screen, there is “Your Name.”. Underneath that, there is your Apple ID, i, cloud, i Tunes & App Store. ”. Step 3: Tap on your name to access the Apple ID settings and then tap on “i. Cloud” to find the i, and cloud settings.