Internet Connection on Your i, and phone
method 2.
Another frequently asked inquiry is “Why does iMessage not say delivered on my iPhone?”.
, i Message doesn’t say “ Delivered” on your i. Phone may due to the person you sending the message to has a non-i, and os device. If you fail to send a message, you should resend the message as a text message by enabling Send as SMS in Settings on your device ( Settings > Messages > Send as SMS ).
, actually, i Message not saying “Delivered” simply means the messages has not yet been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device due to some reasons.
Why won’t my iMessage text messages send?
It could be switched off, put in Airplane mode or out of range. This means that the message has already been pushed and will deliver once they have a good internet connection. The message can also be delivered after a few minutes as a text message if you selected the option of delivering as text when i. Message isn’t working.
There are several reasons for this: The person that you sent the message to doesn’t have an Apple device., i Message is turned off on your device or on your recipient’s device. To check if i. Message is turned on for your device, go to Settings > Messages > i, and message., i Message is temporarily unavailable on your device or on your recipient’s device.
Yes, they go through as an i. Message, they turn blue, but never say “delivered.” I know for a fact that he is not receiving them because he will text me and have no clue that I’ve sent him a thing. I even try sending them as SMS and he doesn’t seem to get those either.
Why is my text message not being delivered?
Reasons could be: their phone not having available Wi-Fi or cellular data networks, they have their i. Phone off or on Do Not Disturb mode, etc. But generally speaking, a text message not be delivered would happen when the phone number you are sending messages to is invalid.
Why doesn’t the recipient receive my message?
If the recipient doesn’t have an i. Phone and uses mobile of some other brand like Android or Huawei, he/she won’t receive your message. In such a scenario, use SMS message feature (send as SMS) instead of i. Message to send messages – and your message will be read as Sent as text Message.
You see, If you try to send a message and you see with an alert that says Not Delivered, follow these steps: 1 Check your network connection. 3 If you still can’t send the message, tap, then tap Send as Text Message. Messaging rates may apply.
When It says “delivered” that means it has sent to your recipient and when it doesn’t say delivered that means that either you don’t have Wi. Fi or their battery is dead so the message hasn’t gone through I think. From my understanding, when your message says delivered under it then the person received it.