The particular problem of messages keep disappearing from i. Phone can have several different potential culprits: from misconfiguration of Messages settings, to accidentally deletion of the texts, and to more complicated such as i, and os update.
, fix i Message keeps Turning Off or Crashing Issues. Please close all the recently used apps in the background, which may free up memory and reopen the Message app.
Why imessages turn off?
When a Wi-Fi net work is available, the i. Message is sent over the Wi-Fi connection. When a Wi-Fi network is not available, the i. Message is sent using cellular data. If you regularly approach the monthly limit of your data plan, you may try turning off i. Message to save some cellular data usage.
How to fix iMessage keeps turning off or crashing?
If you have also experienced the similar issues such as Messages app is crashing constantly like the user described above, i. Message keeps turning off or even fail to open the app on your i. OS devices, Please check on these tricks to resolve the problem.
If your i. Message doesn’t work or crashes regularly, it may be something wrong with your i, and phone system. Please try to use i. OS System Recoveryto fix it and get your device back up normal. If it still doesn’t work, please try to contact Apple service as it may be the problems at Apple’s end for all i, and message users.
If they still have an i. Phone but have switched off i. Message, it will be sent as text (the green bubbles ). If they have another phone such as Android, Black. Berry or Windows phone, they must deregiater their i. Message with Apple to receive texts from previous i, and message contacts. It is easy to do.
What happens when you turn off iMessage on iPhone?
When you get a message with his email and not his name, it means that for some reason it failed to send via his phone number and instead used his email. Turning off i. Message will change to the default SMS protocol. It definitely has it’s downsides but won’t use.
Head to Settings -> Messages and tap the button next to i. Message to turn i. Message off on your i. Phone or i, and pad. Next, hold the power button down until you see ‘Slide to Power Off’ and slide your finger across the bar to turn off your i. Phone or i, and pad. Turn your device back on, head back to Settings -> Messages, and turn i. Message back on.
The next thing we asked ourselves was how to turn off FaceTime and iMessage on iPhone?
Transfer your SIM card to your i, and phone. Go to Settings., turn i, and message off. Go back to Settings., turn face, and time off. No longer have your i, and phone? Follow the steps below to deregister your phone number., and cookies required. To use Deregister i. Message, enable cookies in your browser and try again.
Why are my messages disappearing from my iPhone?
In a rare time, i. Phone messages can suddenly disappeared when Apple’s servers are down or you’re in a bad service area. Go to Settings > Messages, toggle i. Message and MMS Messaging off, waiting 15 seconds and then toggle them back on.
How to recover disappeared text messages on iPhone?
Here are some tips you can try to recover disappeared messages on i, and phone. When your i. Phone texts disappeared, most of the time turning off “i. Messages” and “MMS Messaging” from settings, and then turning on will restore your missing messages.
What are the disadvantages of iMessage?
The primary drawback of i. Message is that it only works between Apple devices. It’s impossible to send an i. Message to someone with an Android smartphone.
While I was researching we ran into the question “What are the downsides of using iMessage?”.
No simultaneous voice & data. , i Message uses data, standard text messages do not., with i Message enabled and on a call, I do not receive messages for 5-6 minutes (tested this exhaustively with my sister), as the phone will eventually revert to automatically sending the message as an SMS after what appears to be a 5 minute timeout.