All the i. Movie library files are stored in the package format. Everything is contained under the package along with the extension .imovielibrary. The default location of this is at Users/ /Movies).
, i Movie files are stored in User > Movies > i. Movie Events and i. Movie Projects etc. There are several ways to get there: In Finder, click on Go at the top of your screen, then from the left pane select your User Name or Home. Scroll down to find a folder called Movies and double click on it., all i Movie files are stored there – events, projects etc.
In each event there is a folder called original media which holds your media files. I strongly advise you be careful and not change anything as you can mess up the database and lose your projects and events. You can manage all your events and projects from within i, and movie. There is seldom any reason to go into the i, and movie library.
While I was reading we ran into the question “Where does imovie store project files?”.
, i Movie acts in the same way that Photos does. It creates a library file that stores all your projects and the corresponding assets for each of them. You can find the library file in your Movies folder in Finder or by clicking Go > Home > Movies.
While we were researching we ran into the inquiry “Where are deleted clips stored in iMovie?”.
, in i Movie ’08 they are stored in the named events within the “i. Movie Events” folder. In both applications the “trash” is merely “marked” as such and remains physically part of the clip until the user tells the application to physically remove the marked or rejected clips/frame ranges.
Where does iMovie save project media files?
I see you posted your question in a new posting which was a good idea as it should get better attention than here, I must say I am confused by your issue., i Movie saves project media in the library original media folder in a folder titled for the project. It is always copied and does not use aliases.
How to save an iMovie project?
, i Movie auto saves all its troves of data and resources in a library file labeled i. Movie Library under the i. Movie folder of your computer. Every time you modify or add to your ongoing project, i, and movie autosaves., the i Movie Library file grinds to a halt if you rename it.
Where can I Find my iMovie project files?
Scroll down to find a folder called Movies and double click on it., all i Movie files are stored there – events, projects etc. If you exported your 1080p movie using Share> Media Browser, the exported file will be located in your movie project’s package contents folder. In your User/Movies/i. Movie Projects folder, locate your project.
Where do I Find my exported movies in iMovie?
In your User/Movies/i. Movie Projects folder, locate your project. Right-click (or Control-click) on the project name then select Show Package Contents from the pop up menu. In the Package Contents you will see a folder named Movies – your exported movie will be in that Movies folder.
, i Movie 10 no longer has i. Movie projects and i. Movie events folders. Everything is inside a package with the extension .imovielibrary. Its default location is at Users/
Double click that folder and look for i, and movie library. That is the package file that contains all the media you have imported into i, and movie. You open it by right/control clicking and look for show package contents.
Can iMovie be stored on an external hard drive?
Apple doesn’t recommend storing i. Movie libraries on external storage devices like SD cards and USB flash drives, or drives shared on a network. You can’t store your library on an external drive or other disk used for Time Machine backups.