Can outlook delete gmail emails?

More specifically, when you delete an email of Gmail account via IMAP in Outlook, it just removes all the deleted email’s labels, such that it will still exist in “All Mail” folder. This kind of email will never get deleted from IMAP mail server of Gmail until a purge command is activated.

If you are using Gmail account via IMAP in Outlook, you may find that the emails, which you’ve deleted from Outlook, still exist on Gmail server. This article will teach you how to make the emails to get deleted from both Outlook and IMAP server.

How to delete multiple emails in outlook?

Delete Multiple Emails with Keyboard Shortcuts

Holding the Ctrl key, you can select multiple nonadjacent emails with clicking them one by one ;
Holding the Shift key, you can select multiple adjacent emails with clicking the first one and the last one. Select any one of emails in the mail list, and then press Ctrl + A keys together to select all emails in the mail folder;
Select the first email in the mail list, and then press Ctrl + Shift + End keys together to select all emails.

How to delete all the messages in outlook?

Then press CTRL + A to select all the messages in the folder. Press the Delete key to eliminate them. Click the first message and then scroll to the last email you want to delete. Holding Shift, click the final email. All the intermediate messages should be highlighted. Press and hold the CTRL button on the keyboard.

The next thing we wondered was, how to delete multiple emails with hotkeys in outlook?

Actually, you can easily delete multiple or all emails with hotkeys in Outlook. Please do as follows: Open the specified mail folder you will delete emails from, select multiple or all emails, and press the Delete key to remove them (or press Shift + Delete keys together to permanently delete them). Tips for selecting multiple/all emails:.

A query we ran across in our research was “How do I delete items from my Gmail?”.

My best answer was to actually delete an item, you’ll need to “Expunge” the item which is called “Purge” in Outlook. However, when purging your deleted items in Outlook, Gmail’s default behavior is to archive it to the “All Mail” folder.

To select and delete consecutive emails, in the message list, click the first email, press and hold the Shift key, click the last email, and then press the Delete key. To select and delete nonconsecutive emails, click the first email, press and hold the Ctrl key, click each email that you want to delete, and then press the Delete key.

Please do as follows: Open the specified mail folder you will delete emails from, select multiple or all emails, and press the Delete key to remove them (or press Shift + Delete keys together to permanently delete them). Tips for selecting multiple/all emails:.

Can outlook delete duplicate emails?

Microsoft Outlook offers an inbuilt application named Clean Up Tool to eliminate duplicate emails of Outlook. You can run this utility with Outlook and can begin the process of eliminating duplicated emails.

Another thing we wanted the answer to was how to delete duplicate emails in Outlook 2016?

Select a mailbox folder. Now, configure the below options: Clean up Conversation will delete and move the duplicate emails that are in the conversation. Right-click the Deleted Items folder and click Empty Folder that will permanently delete the emails.

Clean Up Folders and Subfolders will clean up the duplicate folders and subfolders Right-click the Deleted Items folder and click Empty Folder that will permanently delete the emails. If you found duplicate files in your mailbox, it could be due to the closing of the server connection and settings of the Antivirus application.

Duplication of emails can also be due to the merging of numbers of PST files into a single file. Whatsoever may be the reason behind creating multiple copies of a single message, it will hamper the productivity of Microsoft Outlook, and therefore, you should remove duplicate items of Outlook! How to check the duplicity of emails in Outlook?

Supports both cached and online modes. To remove duplicate messages from other users’ mailboxes, use the command line or connect additional mailboxes in Outlook. Using the folder priorities, you can leave messages in some folders, and delete duplicates from others.

What happens when you delete an email in Gmail?

By default, Gmail account is configured to archive emails instead of deleting them. More specifically, when you delete an email of Gmail account via IMAP in Outlook, it just removes all the deleted email’s labels, such that it will still exist in “All Mail” folder.

How to recover deleted emails from Outlook 2010 to Gmail?

In Outlook 2010, you can assign a folder as the Deleted Items folder for an IMAP account. If you set this to the Trash folder of your Gmail mailbox, then your deleted mail in Outlook will be also get deleted on Gmail. File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings… Double click on on your Gmail account to open its settings dialog.