If you mean using Hangouts in Gmail, then in Hangouts (typically lower left of your Gmail screen) click your profile name to open the settings, scroll down and click “Sign out of Hangouts”. You can turn it off also, by opening Gmail settings (gear icon), then click chats, and turn it off. Original Poster Don Knuddy marked this as an answer.
Install the Hangouts Chrome extension. Important: If you use Hangouts in Gmail, you may not have the option to sign out of Hangouts. When you sign out of hangouts., and google. Com, you sign out of other Google services, including Gmail, Inbox, and Google+. At the top right, click your profile picture. Click Sign out or Sign out of all accounts.
Scroll to the bottom and tap Sign out. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Hangouts app. At the top left, tap Menu. Next to your account, tap the Down arrow. At the top right, tap More Remove account.
When you sign in or out of Hangouts on one device, you aren’t automatically signed in or out of Hangouts on other devices. For example, if you sign in on your computer, you’re not automatically signed in on your phone. On your computer, go to hangouts., and google. Com or open Hangouts in Gmail.
Sign in On your computer, go to hangouts., and google. Comor open Hangouts in Gmail. Enter your Google Account information.
How to change your name on google hangouts?
Change personal display name in Hangouts
Short answer. Hangouts will display the “official” name in Google+ or in About Me if you are trying the new Google+. Click on the name displayed in the top banner. Click over the Save button. Go to http://aboutme., and google., and com
references. You can change the name on your Google Account by editing your Google+ profile.
This is what I researched. how to change your name in Google Hangouts Step 1 : Start a web browser on your computer or smartphone. You can do this in the Gmail mobile app. Step 2: Go to the Gmail page. Sign in to your Gmail account by entering your username, then click Next. Step 3: On the next screen, enter the correct password and click Next. Step 4: Tap the profile icon at the top right corner of More.
I know Google+ controls the name that’s shown in Hangouts, that’s no problem. I’m in a large group Hangout, however, and recently some peoples’ names have been showing up differently underneath their messages.
How do I change the name on my Google+ profile?
Click on the name displayed in the top banner. Click over the Save button. Click on the button. Click over the OK button. You can change the name on your Google Account by editing your Google+ profile. Editing your profile name in Google+ will change your name in all the Google products you use for this account.