Why is my text highlighted in indesign?

Text appears highlighted in In. Design because fonts are missing, substituted glyphs are checked in preferences or the Toggle style highlighter is checked on. When you open a file and text is highlighted it’s normal to get a bit panicky! Don’t fret, nothing is broken and all can be fixed. Fonts are missing or corrupt (Pink Highlight).

While reading we ran into the question “Why does text appear highlighted in InDesign?”.

It’s frustrating when you’re working on a job and you open your file and you find a bunch of text is highlighted. There are 3 explanations. Let’s look at these now. Text appears highlighted in In. Design because fonts are missing, substituted glyphs are checked in preferences or the Toggle style highlighter is checked on.

, restart in Design and your text and fonts should now be perfect. Substituted glyphs show text in your file with a yellow highlight. Not all the text will be highlighted. Usually when words are formatted in all CAPS or Small CAPS, or letters that are ligatures ‘fl’, or ‘ae’.

The most common cause of highlighted text is due to fonts that are missing. When you open a document and it appears that someone has taken a pink highlighter to it, this is because one or more of your fonts are missing or have become corrupted. This is a relatively easy fix and happens for a number of reasons.

, adobe in Design uses highlighting to give you information about the status of your text and warn you of problems you should resolve.

It’s because of a helpful tool, that I have never heard of before, called a style override highlighter – meaning it shows you what text you’ve modified in your document that is different from the In. Design Basic Paragraph.

Indesign why is text highlighted in pink?

If you open an In. Design document or placed copy into an existing document and see the text highlighted in a colour, don’t panic! This is In. Design’s way of letting you know some important information. This is what the highlight colours mean: Pink: Missing font or a font has been changed to one that does not have a respective member of the font family (Eg.

Why is there a pink highlighter on my font?

When you open a document and it appears that someone has taken a pink highlighter to it, this is because one or more of your fonts are missing or have become corrupted. This is a relatively easy fix and happens for a number of reasons. I activate nearly all of my fonts through Creative Cloud.

Why does my InDesign text look like I dragged a pen?

If you open an Adobe In. Design document and find text that looks like you dragged a pink highlighter pen through it, that is In. Design’s way of warning you that your file uses font software that isn’t available on your computer.