What windows 10 features can I turn off?

You can find a list of Windows features that you can selectively disable by doing the following: Open up the Control Panel by pressing the Windows key (or opening the Start menu/screen if you don’t have one) and typing “Control Panel”. In the left-side panel, select “Turn Windows features on or off.” Disable features by unchecking them on the left.

How do I Turn on programs and features in Windows 10?

The exact features available to you here depend on the edition of Windows 10 you’re using. To launch the Control Panel, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X on your keyboard, then select “Control Panel” from the menu that pops up. Click “Programs” in the list and then select “Turn Windows features on or off ” under Programs and Features .

What are optional features in Windows 10?

Windows 10 is a sophisticated OS that includes an extensive array of features, some of which you have to turn on or off as needed. These are known as ” optional features,” and they’re available through the “Windows Features” page in Control Panel.

Moreover, how do I Turn on Windows 10 home mode?

Go to Settings. In the left sidebar, click Activation. Then click “Go to the Store.” You will see this under the “ Switch to Windows 10 Home / Pro ” section. Press the “Get” button under the “ Switch out of S Mode” section and wait for the process to complete.

This begs the inquiry “How do I switch back to Windows 10 for free?”

Thankfully, Microsoft revealed that switching back to a version of Windows 10 without those restrictions will be free, and we’ve now seen that the process could be as simple as visiting the Microsoft Store.

How to turn off s mode in Windows 10?

To turn off Windows 10 S Mode, click the Start button then go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation. Select Go to the Store and click Get under the Switch out of S Mode panel.

Does it cost money to turn off s mode Windows 10?

“There’s no charge to switch out of S mode, but you won’t be able to turn it back on. ” Great, so it’s settled then. To start the process of gaining power over your PC back, head to Settings again and then Update & Security and click Activation.

Can I switch out of Windows 10 S mode to install apps?

1 Click the Start menu and select Settings. 3 Select Activation from the menu on the left. 4 Click Go to the Store. 5 Click the Get button, then click Install.

To switch from S mode to the full version of Windows 10 hiding behind it, navigate to Settings | Update And Security | Activation. In the Activation menu, look for Switch To Windows 10 Pro (or Home–you’ll see one of the two depending on what version of Windows 10 your computer has).

How do I Turn Off programs in the control panel?

To launch the Control Panel, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X on your keyboard, then select “Control Panel” from the menu that pops up. Click “Programs” in the list and then select “Turn Windows features on or off” under Programs and Features. You can also quickly launch this window with a single command.