Link your Smartsheet data with Excel by using the Live Data Connector. Only Business and Enterprise customers will have access to the Smartsheet Live Data Connector, which will be automatically included in their subscription. Contact a Smartsheet representative to learn more about using Smartsheet with Microsoft Excel.
Does Smartsheet integrate with Microsoft Excel?
Only Business and Enterprise customers will have access to the Smartsheet Live Data Connector, which will be automatically included in their subscription. Contact a Smartsheet representative to learn more about using Smartsheet with Microsoft Excel. Smartsheet easily connects with Microsoft 365 to streamline work processes.
Can I export a smartsheet to excel?
To export any sheet or report from Smartsheet for use in Microsoft Excel, select File > Export > Export to Excel . The exported data may not appear in Excel exactly as it does in Smartsheet.
Send the entire sheet or report through email as a PDF or Excel (.xls) attachment . Share a Report as an Attachment in Email Export to Microsoft Excel To export any sheet or report from Smartsheet for use in Microsoft Excel, click File > Export > Export to Excel.
Go to the Migration Wizard page and log in to your account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up with your email or any suitable social network. Connect Smartsheet as your source platform to Migration Wizard by providing the access credentials. Configure your Smartsheet connection by choosing the needed Sheet.
You may be asking “What is the difference between Smartsheet and Microsoft Project EXPORT?”
The export is limited to 20 000 rows and you save files to a location on your computer; Export to Microsoft Project: you can export any Sheets, but no Reports. Smartsheet and Microsoft Project differ in their functionality so that the exported sheets will look differently ;.
How do I import an XML file into Smartsheet?
To import the XML file, open Microsoft Project. Because Smartsheet and Microsoft Project differ in their functionality, the exported sheet may display differently in either application.
How do I share a Smartsheet?
Follow these step-by-step instructions to share your sheet. For more information about plan types and included capabilities, see the Smartsheet Plans page. Begin collaborating with others by sharing a Smartsheet item (sheet, report, or dashboard) or by confirming a sharing request from someone on your team.
People with Owner, Admin, and Editor – Can Share permissions have the ability to share Smartsheet items. If the item is located in a workspace, you can either share it individually or share the entire workspace . For more information, see Sharing an Item from a Workspace later in this article.
When you share a sheet with someone, you can specify the sharing permission level with Viewer, Editor, or Admin level access to it. The permission level determines the features available to a collaborator for the item you’re sharing (a sheet, report, or workspace for example) . If you create an item, you are the Owner of that item.
What can you do with Smartsheet?
Visualize Smartsheet data in charts, graphs, and dashboards. Uncover real-time insights from work and project data. Discover new ways to present your data. Uncover real-time insights from work and project data. Discover new ways to present your data. Gain live access to Smartsheet data so you can analyze it in Excel.
You could be asking “How do I connect to a Smartsheet using a personal access token?”
However, for testing purposes you can instead use the Personal Access Token you get when you create an application ; set this to the OAuthAccess. Token connection property. You can then work with live Smartsheet data in Excel. In Excel, open the Data tab and choose From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Query.
Send as Attachment: If you want to share a static Excel or PDF file of a Smartsheet item, you can email it as an attachment using the Send as Attachment feature. You can also email specific row data to other people which can be useful if they want information about a specific task or group of rows in a large sheet.
For more information about plan types and included capabilities, see the Smartsheet Plans page. Begin collaborating with others by sharing a Smartsheet item (sheet, report, or dashboard) or by confirming a sharing request from someone on your team.