Webex App | Leave or End a Meeting If you’re an attendee, you can leave the meeting before it’s over. If you’re the meeting host, you can leave the meeting early and assign the host role to someone else, or end the meeting for everyone.
What happens if the host drops out of the meeting/event?
If the Host drops out of the Meeting/Event either purposefully or without warning due to technical problems, the session will not end. Learn how to safely leave and pass on the Host Role to a specific user: Participant Roles – Webex Meetings The Host Role will be passed down the Webex chain of command shown below until the original Host returns.
When you make someone else the host of a Webex scheduled meeting or Personal Room meeting in Webex, you’re letting them: While in a meeting, you can assign a new host and either stay in the meeting or leave. To make someone else the host and stay in the meeting, go to the participants list .
Can a webex meeting be recorded?
The easiest way to record a Webex meeting is to use its built-in screen recording function. There are two ways to record meetings. Your account type and Webex site configuration determine whether you can use the recording function.
1 Open the Webex app on your computer and join a meeting. 2 Click the circle-shaped Recorder icon at the bottom. If you don’t see the button, ask the administrator to enable the function. 3 Then the Recorder window will pop up where you can pause or stop the recording flexibly. , and more items.
Anyone that you share the recording link with can play and download it from the player view. Share it with attendees so they can refer back to the meeting, or with people who couldn’t attend. Sign in to your Webex site, and go to Recordings. Locate the recording that you want to download and select the corresponding Download button.
Steps: 1 Download Bandicam from its official website and install it on your Window. 2 Open the Bandicam app, select the Screen Recording mode, and click the down arrow to specify the screen area to be recorded. 3 Decide whether to show mouse cursor, add mouse click effects, add webcam overlay, and more. 4 Start your Webex recording., and more items.
The next excellent Webex recorder is Mini. Tool Video Converter. It is a free all-in-one video toolbox designed for Windows users. With its screen recording tool, you can customize the recording area, capture anything that occurs on your computer screen, and export it in MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV, AVI, FLV, or TS format.
How do I share a WebEx session with multiple participants?
Drag the Web. Ex ball from the last presenter to the next presenter. If you are viewing participant thumbnails, mouse over a thumbnail and select Make Presenter. If you are sharing in full screen mode, mouse over the docked tray at the top of your screen, select Assign > Make Presenter, then select a participant.